Friday, July 28, 2017

Week of July 31 - Aug 04

Welcome to the 2017-2018
school year

¡Bienvenidos a la clase de Español!

Image result for bienvenidos a la clase de espanol

Spanish IV
The Spanish IV class is designed to review and reinforce material from Spanish III and further increase oral and written fluency and provide intense study of the culture, geography and history of the Spanish speaking countries. A main goal of this class is for the student to improve vocabulary and language skills by means of speaking and listening comprehension activities. In depth grammar study will include a review of verb tenses and grammar topics covered in previous levels of Spanish. The Spanish lessons will include discussion of actual news, films, games, worksheets and other activities. Students need to come prepared every day with paper, pen/pencil and other materials and assignments.    
Spanish IV - General Information:
Prerequisite: Spanish III  -  Book: Descubre 3
  • Las relaciones personales y la vida cotidiana (Personal relationships and daily life).
  • Las diversiones y los viajes (Entertainment and travel).
  • La naturaleza, la tecnología y la ciencia (Nature, technology and science).
  • La economía y el trabajo / The economy and work
  • La salud y el bienestar / Health and welfare.
  • La literatura y el arte / The literature and art.
  • La cultura popular y los medios de comunicación / Popular culture and the media.
Learning Goals: 
- Demonstrate reading comprehension through the understanding of history, geography and culture of the Spanish-Speaking world.
-Ask questions and provide responses based on topics such as self, family, personal goals and TV news.
-Use sequenced information with the use of proper vocabulary expressions and grammar.
- Understand and identify differences of reflexive and unreflexively verbs.
-Demonstrate knowledge of geographical locations and identify major countries, cities, and geographical features of the places where the target language is spoken.
- Identify examples of vocabulary, phrases, proverbs, pronouns, commands and symbols from the target language that are used in other subjects.
- Recognize basic sound distinctions and intonation patterns and their effects on communicating meaning.   
Classroom Rules:
  • Come to class prepared & on time every day.
  • Follow instructions the 1st time
  • Refrain from talking when the teacher is talking.
  • Speak respectfully to all people in the classroom. No profanity
  • Stay in your seat (unless otherwise directed) and raise your hand for attention.
  • Speak with indoor voices all the times, listen and respect classmates’ ideas.
  • No cell phones allow (unless it is needed for specific classroom activities and/or games).
  • All School Rules also apply in our classroom. 
If a student breaks a rule or misbehaves in class, he or she will be given a warning.  If a student continues a behavior for which he or she has already received a warning, the parent will be contacted and he or she may be given an office referral. 
Required Materials: Students will need to bring the following items to class each day:
 3-ring binder with dividers: Warm-ups, Vocabulary and Grammar, Classwork, Homework, Projects. It is the student responsibility to keep papers organized! (graded: 50 pts project)
  • Pencils (#2)
  • Eraser
  • Blue or black pens
  • loose-leaf lined paper
  • Practice book. (A practice book will be assigned to each student)
  • Book: Descubre III
Academic misconduct: Using translators (on-line) or native speakers to complete your work is not doing your work honestly. Using an online dictionary to find one word is very different than using the service to complete entire paragraphs or assignments. It is like having someone else do your work for you. This is cheating and is dishonest and may result in 0 (zero) credit.
Grading:  The grading scale for this class will be the one used by the School District by means of Synergy.  Grading will be based upon daily assignments, quizzes, tests, and other projects /presentations as follows:
  • Homework                            5%
  • Classwork (participation)    25%
  • Quizzes                                20%
  • Tests, projects                      40%
  • Final Test                             10%      
Tests & Quizzes: If the student misses a test or quiz due to an Excused Absence, the student will have 5 (five) days to make up the missed test or quiz. It is the student responsibility to schedule a make-up time and appear at that time to take the test. Failure to do so, it will result in a grade of 0 (zero) for the test or quiz.
Re-takes: No re-takes for quizzes and tests. It is the student responsibility to review and study every day. 
Late Work: No late work will be accepted. Due to the fast-paced nature of the course, ALL ASSIGMENTS ARE DUE WITHIN THE ASSIGNED TIMEFRAME, except for Excused Absences, the student will have 1 (one) day per excused absence day.
Help: We are available for help or make up during or after school hours.  If you are confused about a topic, seek help from your teacher. Remember, it is your teacher’s job to help you learn Spanish and it is not a “bother” to ask for help.
Tutoring: During schools hours: Tuesday and Thursday during 2nd block 10: 30am – 11 am. 
After school hours: Mondays 3:30-4:00pm
Attendance: South Cobb High School’s attendance policy, which is found in the student handbook, will be enforced along with the SCHS student code of conduct.
If you have any needs or concerns, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Liliana Levinson, MAE
Spanish Teacher


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